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Informationen über der Tschechische Republik

EUR Vlajka meny EUR
USD Vlajka meny USD
GBP Vlajka meny GBP
HUF Vlajka meny HUF
CHF Vlajka meny CHF
PLN Vlajka meny PLN

Wechselkurse ČNB
(Czech national bank)

Tschechische Telefonkode: 00420 xxx xxx xxx

Prices of highway signs in the CR for 2025:
You can buy on or on gas station EuroOil or Czech post, there is no paper vignette, you must insert your reg.plate number to state payment system. Motorbike is free.

Time / Weight Car to 3.5 t Car over 3.5 t
1 Day 210 CZK toll
10 Days 290 CZK toll
1 Month 460 CZK toll
1 Year 2440 CZK toll

Map of paid highways in Czech Republic:

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